Maxclean conducts fire emergency drill

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In order to further implement fire responsibilities, prevent safety risks, strengthen employees’ awareness of fire safety, and improve fire prevention and control capabilities and emergency response capabilities, on the morning of June 16th, Maxclean (Wuxi) Technology Co., Ltd. carried out fire emergency drills.

Before the drill started, the fire teacher explained in detail the common fire extinguisher usage methods, the causes of fire formation, alarm methods, initial fire fighting, fire escape and self-rescue methods for all employees participating in the drill.

In the next exercise, under the guidance of the fire teacher, the employees quickly extinguished the oil basin fire and experienced the process of fighting the initial fire. Through this fire drill, employees were further familiar with and mastered the operation and use of fire extinguishing equipment, and the fire safety awareness and self-defense and self-rescue ability of enterprise employees were improved.

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